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With Magic Travels becoming increasingly popular, I am very pleased to let you know that the second volume will soon be coming out. A Year Around Earth: The Unlikely Adventures of a Geologist takes off from the end point of Magic Travels to describe how Patrick, after completing his summer in the High Arctic, joins up with his friend Don to give in to wanderlust instead of returning to University. The adventures are non-stop and the pair take the whole year to travel westwards around the globe. Magic shows in Fiji, a long voyage in a small leaky sailboat to New Caledonia, snakes on King Island, trials in the Simpson Desert and on a seismic ship in the Java Sea, and finally a long and arduous journey across Asia to arrive in Czechoslovakia, just in time to witness the 1968 Russian invasion of Prague. The book continues in the same fast-paced style of Magic Travels. Stay tuned for its arrival and two more volumes to come!